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Bioinformatics class materials for the 2nd semester of 2022
Session 1 Introduction to Python
Session 4 Human diseases : When DNA sequences are toxic
Session 7 Evolution - What makes us human
Session 11 A slimy molecule
Session 14 Personal genomes : The difference between you and me
Session 2. Working with the molecules of life in the computer
Session 5 Iron imbalance and the iron response element
Session 8 Evolution resolving a criminal case
Session 12 Finding genes : going ashore at CpG islands
Session 15 Differential expression analysis using DESeq2
Session 3 Gene Technology : cutting DNA, knocking genes down and amplifying DNA
Session 6 Cancer as a result of aberrant proteins
Session 10 A function to very gene : royal blood and order in the sequence universe
Session 13 Finding genes in the world of snurps
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